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8 months ago

Chloe's Programs

Chloe's Programs

2018 8 Weeks Summer Shred Challenge completed

I have done it, my first challenge is complete. I am happy and very pleased with the results, so many changes, in a very good way. I won't lie that it wasn't challenging, and stressful at some point, but I pushed myself to keep going no matter what. No, I did not diet, I did not take so many rest days, I did not completely do all the exercises, had to improvise sometimes. But I managed to do at least 80% of the exercises and still get results. There are no miracles. . . you got to do the work. I am pretty sure have I kept a diet, I would get better results. From day 1 to 56 here is what changed: Weight 176. 8 lbs. to 171. 4 lbs. Breast 44 inches to 41 inches Upper Belly 39 inches to 35 inches Lower Belly 42 inches to 39 inches Hips 41 inches to 39 inches Legs 24 1/2 inches to 23 inches Arms from 12 to 11/1/2 inches. I am taking a break from Chloe's challenges to focus on holidays, but I will still do my 1 hour of exercise a day. I will be returning in January to commit to another challenge. Happy Holidays! Keep up the good work.


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