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5 months ago



Posts may be archived, privated, or merged if they do not follow channel posting guidelines. This post gives context to our guidelines and moderation decisions. If your post is moderated, please respect our guidelines and the work our moderators put into keeping the forums helpful and positive.
💬 1 - Discussion centered  • Each post is meant to invite community members to respectfully and thoughtfully discuss a topic, share input, and learn from one another. In short, posts should be discussions on a topic, not self-centric.  • We want posts to focus on discussion topics because our vision is for the community forums to be a high-quality resource, but it can be hard to find helpful information when there are a lot of self-centric posts or posts that don’t invite any discussion.
• Examples of posts that aren't discussion topics or are self-centric include program recommendations, life/workout updates, simple greetings, fitspiration, and requests for tailored nutrition/fitness advice.  • We are working on a new feature specifically for sharing personal updates and short-term progress. There is a pinned thread in #fitness to use in the meantime.
👨‍⚕️ 2 – Tailored advice  • We want to avoid people relying on our community for tailored, highly specific advice about diets, caloric needs, meal plans, and workouts.
• Sharing your experience and general advice is fine, but be mindful that what may work for one person could actually be harmful to another. Always seek personalized advice from your own medical and fitness professionals.
📷 3 - Before/After posts  • The purpose of the Before & After channel is for people to share their progress doing Chloe’s programs and celebrate their wins, regardless of visible results.
• We have a policy that results posted must be 1 month apart. This policy was chosen to emphasize that changes often take time and patience.  • We also have a policy that users must be 18 or older to post progress pictures. This policy was chosen for the safety of younger users.  • Pictures must be of bodies, rather than alternate ways of tracking progress like scale logs/graphs, body composition breakdowns, etc.
• We understand that some people can see appearance changes in a short period of time, but everyone is different. Posture, lighting, and water weight can also impact appearance. We understand that if your post is moderated, it may feel like we are minimizing your efforts, but we are simply trying our best to be consistent with this policy.
• Everyone can achieve results with a suitable routine and a proper diet that matches your goals (whether these are fat loss, muscle gain, or both), and the community is here to support you.
📝 4 - Duplication  • There are often multiple posts on the same topic in a short time frame, and mods may merge these posts to promote better discussion and to keep helpful information easier to find.
• Browse channels and search for existing posts on a similar topic first, and join those discussions if possible.    📝 5 - Other creators  - We have a blanket rule to not mention or promote other creators. There are 2 reasons for this. First is just general respect as this is Chloe's platform. And second, historically we have had other creators on our discord, website or app that uses our platforms to promote their videos or stir up unnecessary drama which we just don't have time or energy for. Although your post/comment could be innocent and non malicious, it becomes too much moderation overhead to need to sort out what is contextual and fine and what is not, so a blanket rule makes moderation more straight forward. It's a simple ask so we hope you can understand.    ⏸️ 6 - Filters  • There are automated filters that may put posts/comments into a pending state. Pending posts and comments are typically reviewed and approved quite quickly, within 24 hours. Please be patient and allow moderators time to approve your posts and comments. It is a necessary tradeoff to avoid spam and problematic content.    You can use the report function to alert moderators to posts or comments that don't meet guidelines. Our goal is to keep this community safe and positive, and with your help we can continue doing that.



5 days ago

