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7 months ago



Am I too old for these challenges?

Hi,🙋‍♀️ I am 58 years old and struggling with my weight since I gave birth to my first child in 1993. My bmi is 31,2 what is really high. For some years my health is not good. I have problems with my right knee. I already had surgery what helped for some years. But since 2 years the pain is coming back. I also felt sick almost every day. In September I did a cleaning for my liver with 0 sugar, bad carbs and supplements. Now that it’s done I am falling back in bad eating habits. But I want to lose weight and improve my health and fitness. So I decided to do the 2024 Weight Loss Challenge. But I have doubts that I can make it. I became super unathletic through the years, doing zero sports. Maybe I am too old for this challenge…. What do you think? Is someone here in my age? (edited by moderator)


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