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9 months ago

Chloe's Programs

Chloe's Programs

Challenge X5 without day off?

Hello Chloe Ting community, so....i have a big dream to lose 4 kg and i hope couple of inches and be more fit in the next months. My plan is Ș Hourglass 2023, Flat tummy 2020, Get Peachy 2020, Weight lose 2023, Flat belly 2019, and the last one slim thigh 2020. This is the plan, I have already skipped 2 rest day and jumped to next workout. Currently I am on the first challenge day 9. It is anyone here that did challenges without day off? what results you had after 5 consecutive challenges? I am 37 years old, 1.67 m, and 60 kg. My abs are hidden by fat tissue -very soft ,and my arms are flabery and my booty is flat :(. I need to start to workout with my diet as well, but i can say that i dont drink fizzy drink, alcohol, I dont smoke, as well no caffeine but a big yes to the sugar. thank you!


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