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6 months ago



How do you work through discouragment?

I used to workout daily back in 2018-2021 and then I stopped (god knows why) then each time I tried to come back and focus on my fitness journey it last like 1-2 months then that’s it. I blame myself a lot but now I really wanna do it . . I’m 30 almost 31 my body, my health screaming out loud I NEED TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. that’s why I sign up to this community and will start my fitness journey again, hoping that this time I will achieve my goal. I used to weight 44kg now I’m 60+ so I feel really bad about myself. . is it too late? I need any advice, suggest, encouragement as much as you guys can give me. I literally cried about how I look and how unhealthy I feel. I will try my best 🥺🙏🏻 PS. In the picture that is me 2019 compare to me now I can’t even dare to take a photo of myself Have you ever felt like this? What did you do? (edited by moderator)


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