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10 months ago



My pre-workout routine.

What to do before your workout to help yourself being more effective. 1) Do not eat anything when it's 2 hour left till you workout. It will be harder for you to do all the exercises correctly cause your belly will manage with food you ate recently. 2) Also drink lesss cause it will be harder for you to jump during workout. 3) Always do warm-up before you start. 4) Prepare comfy clothes. You have to wear clothes which helps to move and won't make you sweat enough. It's ok if you have some special weight-equipment on your hands or legs. Everything that you wear should be breathable. If it's comfortale to do the workout barefoot — do it. I wearing sneakers during the workout and when it's a cooldown I take them off and do the cooldown in socks or barefoot cause it's easier to stretch. 5) If something's hurt in your body do the low-impact exercise or don't do the workout at all (if it's reaaaaly difficult for you to move) and see the specialist. 6) Have a good rest before workout. If you start the challenge after busy day at work better rest. If you feel like you don't have enough power and ability to do the workout — rest. If you have painful periods — better rest. If something hurt enough after the workout — see the specialist.


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