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7 months ago

Chloe's Programs

Chloe's Programs

Sharing how I felt after my first challenge 7th challenges later

These photos was made after I finished my first challenge last March. And look at this fit body! I didn't expect to look so strong and slim. I didn't complain about my weight or my body appearance but I wanted to be thinner during summer and so I am here starting my 8th challenge! Wish you the same, guys! Never shame your body, it's perfect in different shapes. This challenge will help to be more confident as you can see at this photo. I am sure I am confident Lots of love :³ (edited by moderator)

Sharing how I felt after my first challenge 7th challenges later
Sharing how I felt after my first challenge 7th challenges later
Sharing how I felt after my first challenge 7th challenges later

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