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4 months ago

Serious Topic

Serious Topic


Go stand in front of the mirror, and look at what you're insecure about. Now, think if you were ever bullied for that feature- do this with EVERY single "flaw" you think you have. You'll realize that you were either bullied about it or you saw or didn't see it on an influencer. Then think about your younger self, would they have wanted you to tear yourself apart? Tear THEM apart? That too, for what, for having a belly or a booty or not having it? For having a different skeletal structure than others? Or for not looking photoshopped in real life? You weren't born with insecurities, but you were meant to be what you are today. Insecurities were instilled in you or created by yourself. You are SO MUCH MORE than just a number on the scale, which can't define your beauty or your worth. Open the image of a person, one you think to have the "dream body", and see if you can point out their insecurities. You can't, right? In fact, you're probably thinking, "Why would they be insecure, they're perfect! " But let me tell you something, EVERYONE has insecurities, or "flaws" that they see in themselves, some just learn to live happily with them. Now, what makes you think that others can see your insecurities? You probably have a counter-argument this, too. But, the one who bullied you, either created that insecurity in you or broke you apart because they were insecure about the same thing. You don't even need to love your body immediately, cause that's hard, but at least start appreciating it. Be grateful for your body because it has been with you and supported you every single day of your life. Be grateful for your legs, that walk you through the beaty of life and run through the bitterness; be grateful for you arms, for they have hugged the best of people in your life; be grateful for your belly, for it has had the yummiest food that warms you up everywhere; be grateful for your scars and stretch marks because they signify change and change signifies growth; be grateful for your face because it holds history; be grateful for who you were, are and will be, because life's too short to hate; finally, be PATIENT with your body because it was there when you screamed at it and it is still here. THEN, love your body because it has loved you since day one. -Nysa Chaturvedi (06/04/2024)


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