26 days
 30-40 min/day

August 2024

Resistance, Booty, Legs, Arms
Dumbbells, Fitness Mat


This 4-week challenge primarily targets booty & core with upper body being secondary. Videos will have weighted & non-weighted alternatives, so it's suitable for beginners as well as for those wanting a harder weighted challenge.... Read More


2024 Hourglass Challenge


While each Hourglass challenge focuses on your glutes and your core, the exercises and video format are different each year to give yourself more of a challenge and variety. The 2024 Hourglass Challenge has a heavier focus on shoulder and back exercises.

Yes and no, you don’t have to use weights for this program if you’re just starting out and don’t have any weights. All of the episodes in this program can be done with or without weights. Ideally they should be done with weights as we are trying to build some muscle mass on the glutes and upper body to get closer to an hourglass figure

You will need to eat more to gain muscle and eat less to lose weight. Energy balance is an important factor when it comes to gaining weight or losing weight. If you’re in a caloric surplus, then it can assist with gaining muscle, and if you’re in a caloric deficit, then you’ll lose weight.

This is extremely dependent on your diet, genetics and how often you train. As mentioned in the general FAQ, spot reduction and targeted fat loss does not exist. If you want to gain muscles, you’ll have to increase intensity by making it more difficult each time. You can do so by adding more repetition, add more sets, add more weights, and focus on mind muscle connection. If you’re used to working out, or you work out regularly, you may need to add intensity/resistance where appropriate in order to see results.

You need to progressive overload with your training. Here are some of the things you can do within this program: 1- Increase the weight 2-Time under tension. This refers to the amount of time a muscle is held under tension during an exercise set. 3-Increase reps. You could add one or two more reps. 4-Decrease rest time You will also need to consume more food to help assist in growing muscles. You can look for a dietitan or a reputatable nutrition guide on your macro split.

No, this program will not help you to remove hip dips. Hip dips are most likely due to genetics and is mostly due to your bone structure, rather than fat or muscle. Almost everybody has them to a different extent. This program does, however, include exercises to grow your glutes and rounding out the glutes. It may help to reduce the appearance of hip dips when you have overall larger muscle mass.

When you’re doing ab exercises, you need to engage your core. If you’re not, you’re probably using other parts of your body such as your back or your neck, and you risk to injure yourself. Just take it slow and focus on your breathing. This video of mine may help with tips on engaging your core: https://youtu.be/vN_jTQuSkjg

When you’re doing glute exercises, you’ll have to activate your glute muscles to do the movement. However most exercises are not completely isolated to just one muscle group. For example, doing a glute bridge requires you to use your hamstrings to assist the movement and your core for stability. However you should be using mostly your glute muscles for to perform a glute bridge.

You are recommended to do ALL videos listed for each day, e.g. if a day has three videos, you should do all three. If a video is listed twice, you should do it twice. If you're having trouble doing them, stick to the low impact versions until you get stronger. That being said, if a video is labeled as optional then it’s up to you if you want to do it or not. The warmup and cool down videos are optional but highly recommended. However, at the end of the day, these schedules are my recommended guide - please feel free to make changes as necessary to suit your needs.

For the hourglass program, it is recommended to finish all the videos in one go. This is mostly 1 singular video for glute workout in a day so try your best to finish them.

This is entirely up to you - if you are feeling strong enough then go for it. You can also just stick to low impact moves if you want. However, if your body needs rest, then please rest. Your body will naturally be weaker during that time so don’t be discouraged, you got this. After your extra rest day, just continue where you left off.